Friday, March 8, 2019

Blogsite:February 24

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My Blog-site

February 24 (before sunrise)

I feel it will be useful for me to write down my motives with my goals when I feel lai-ca having access to computers and programs will help me.
I ask me tu obtain what? Better understanding...?

Education has been my motive for continuing education online, not receiving a 'magical kitten' degree from Hogwarts.


Defining my motives, my goals and my motivations seems to be a clear approach towards achieving my goals.

I think entertainment online has been, and will continue tu be questionable.

I want tu remember: Children imitate behaviors they see young adults get away with. If young adults act unusual, act "very special" or extremely attractive online, children will lai-ca-ly imitate.

What type of behavior is appropriate?
I think parents who are respectful in public dress formally. Parents tend tu wear more protective clothing. I know adults tend to dress conservatively in public, and adults tend tu avoid creating messes, they avoid stains, spills or breakage.

Q: Are 'dreamers,' who are hopeful about success in Education, associated with specific behaviors?

Q: Do dreamers hope for 'better living' through Science and Technology?

Q: Do dreamers hope for better ENTERTAINMENT, with safer options, via. VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES?

Yet, I wonder...should I make a 'Tyra Meme' to explore the expense associated with ordering and dressing a personalized doll? Are fashion accessories for plastic dolls expensive? I imagine a dramatic 'melt' down when receiving the bill!

Q: Who are Barbie role models for? Professional models? Young girls who enjoy fashion accessories? The Feminist of any age?

I wonder, when I bring dreams, notes and memos from my notebook, or old posts from the desktop P.C., does improve'da layout help me feel better? Do organizers help? If computers improve one's ability to file notes, retrieve facts and organize personal memos, can keeping a notebook computer, tablet or a personal computer help? From what I gather, many people believe owning a personal computer is a homeowner's threat. Why? Because people seeking personal information about computer owners may act unethically.

Although there are good reason to be cautious when owning a personal computer, some people expect virtual communities that will be safer in the future.

Link:  Gene Wilder Meme The Dreamers

We are the dreamers of 'Invent Tech' and we are the dreamers of Virtual communities for people and virtual characters.


The Virtual Mindy


Feel Meme-Less / Me-Em-Less




Thursday, March 7, 2019

My Blogsite Uses Cookie From Google, I Use A Keyboard And I Feel Brave

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"My Blogsite Uses Cookies From Google, I Use A Keyboard And I Feel Brave" by Minda Peyton

Mood: I FEEL be able to talk tu myself instead of forcing people tu talk with me, or interrupt the conversation of others, or send Spam e-mails tu other computer users who continue tu use email yet don't want my e-mails sent tu their address.

I feel brave online when I read my own tweets and essays, my user-content in text, and do not force other people tu have to focus on me rather than ignore me.

IMOpinion, the people who don't lai-ca being ignore'da may use communication devices tu send more messages tu people they are trying to gain the attention of...

Yet I feel brave because I can listen tu my inner voice online. I can read tu entertain myself. I can read for self-entertainment, yet I question reading online for self-entertainment... The concept of self-ENLIGHTENMENT was once a focus around intellectual and academic groups. Intellectuals tend tu focus on self-education. Academics tend to focus on the concept of 'self' enlightenment.

I am not entertained by sharing my personal feelings about being alone, nor my freedom tu read alone online. I am curious about Spam. Why do people who send electronic mail receive unwanted e-mails online after they have indicated a desire for the spammer to stop emailing their address?

Q: Are Spam Blockers REQUIRE'D?

Q: Is there a communications glitch that will be brought to the attention of E-mail Service Providers, or are we dealing with Sai-Co-Lo-Gy-Col / Psychological issues when people try tu force other people tu communicate with them, or force other people tu recognize their Spam which may be scams, promise money or other rewards.

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